Is Your Life Consistent With Your Faith?

Sometimes we don't spend enough time looking in the mirror. We know that in our hearts we're saved. We go to church on Sunday. We try and do the right things in our life. We believe in Jesus.

The question is--are we followers of Jesus?

Jesus set us an example not only to read about and to acknowledge, but to follow. As we mature as Christians, we should aspire to become more and more like the model Jesus set for us.

Do you?

It's not easy being a Christian, because we live in a world that's contrary in so many ways to what we believe. To be a Christian, we have to accept this idea that we're living in the world, but we're part of a very different world. We're members of God's Kingdom.  And God's way is a very different way that the way of the secular world. We have a tendency sometimes to overlook areas of our life that are inconsistent with our faith. We give ourselves "carve outs."  

Maybe there are things in your job that put you in awkward positions. I had a friend that left a job because his employer was being deceptive in their practices. Another friend left a job years ago, because she was asked repeatedly to lie about the status of various projects. But too often, in our jobs, we're put into positions that are not consistent with our faith. We don't defend a coworker that's being treated unfairly. We don't step up with the truth when somebody tells a lie. We don't question policies that are dishonest or misleading.

Or maybe there's habits in your life that are inconsistent with your faith. Maybe there's recreation in your life that's inconsistent with your faith. Maybe there's language you use that's inconsistent with your faith. Maybe you harbor attitudes that are inconsistent with your faith.

A big part of our faith is constantly comparing ourselves against the model set by our Lord. We're suppose to grow in our faith. We're supposed to follow Jesus, which means we take lessons from what He taught us during His lifetime in word and in action.

"Follow me."  

Jesus said "follow me" more than 20 times.  And when we follow Jesus, it means we learn from what He taught and do as He did. That we adopt his attitudes and his lifestyle. 

And that requires a lot of thought, a lot of effort, and a lot of self-examination throughout our entire lives.

~Pastor Todd Creason 
