2023: A New Beginning?
~Jeremiah 29:11
We always have a tendency at the end of the year to look back at what we've done and realize we didn't accomplish as much as we wanted to--or intended to. And so we sit down and maybe we write a couple things down that we want to do this year. Now I can tell you from experience that this list doesn't change very much from year to year. But for some reason we think we'll be able to get done in the next 12 month what we failed to accomplish in the last 12 months, or maybe it's 24 months . . . or 36?
We fail because we're making our own plans usually. We're relying on our own ability and our own will power and our own resolve to lose the weigh, and get in shape, and have better relationships at work, and be more productive.
Instead of working our own plan in 2023, what if we resolved this year to try and discover what God's plan is for us instead? What if we spent some time really talking to God this year? What if we spent a little less time scrolling our phones and instead spent that time reading the Bible. Instead of sleeping in on Sunday mornings, what if we got up and went to church . . . actually went? Maybe make some new friends, and hear somebody preach the Word.
God has a lot better plan for our life than we do. Too often our plan and God's plan aren't in harmony with each other. That's why we so often feel discouraged, or out of step. That's why sometimes life can seem like a real drag--it's because we're not on the right path. We're not working God's plan!
So what's God's plan for you?
Well that's the hard part. You're going to have to ask Him! You're going to have to listen for the Holy Spirit's guidance. You're going to have to work on your relationship with God, and God will start showing you what you need to do. Where you're succeeding, and where you're falling short.
When you get your life plan in harmony with God's, you'll find that those things that have held you back will disappear. And that path you find you're on may lead you places you never thought you'd go.
~Todd E. Creason
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