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Don't Sell Yourself Short

"And we know that in all things God works for the good  of those who love him, who [ a ]  have been called  according to his purpose." ~Romans 8:28 I was hanging a picture in my study the other day, and I went to my toolbox.  There's all kinds of tools in my toolbox--there's a hammer, and screwdrivers, and sockets, and pliers, and saws, a tape measure, a level, and many, many more.  Different tools for different tasks.   I don't need a screwdriver to hang a picture.  Or a saw.  Or a pair of pliers.  I need a hammer, and a nail.  Those are the tools made specifically to do the kind of work I was doing. And just like those tools in my toolbox, God makes each one of us different, too.  He makes each one of us for a specific purpose.  We have different abilities, talents, and gifts to serve different uses.  You wouldn't ask a musician for advice on your 401K, nor would you hire a plumber to cut down a tree in your yard. W...

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