Feeling Lost?

"I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you."

~Ephesians 3:16

We all have seasons in our life when we may find ourselves lacking in faith.  Perhaps feeling as if maybe somewhere behind us we stumbled off the right path.  What do we do when that happens?

There's three things we can do when we find ourselves feeling lost in our faith.

The first thing you should do is to do a little self-examination.  Very often when we're feeling lost, it is because sin has come between us and our relationship with God.  Ask yourself if there is something in your life that you need to acknowledge and ask forgiveness for.   Acknowledge it, confess it, ask for forgiveness, and then turn from that sin in the future.    

The second thing you should do is continue to build your faith on the truths of God's Word.  The bible is absolutely essential in our faith.  In it, we learn of God's love for us and how God would have us live.  Without a firm knowledge of the Bible our faith will always be filled with uncertainty and questions.  

And finally, we need other believers in our life.  We weren't made to worship alone, but in a family of believers.  Church is so important to faith.  You need to hear God's word as it is preached and taught in a strong Bible based church.  Together as a family, each member grows stronger.       

If you do these three things, you won't be in the wilderness for very long.  Very soon you'll feel God's presence in your life.

~Pastor Todd Creason


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