Trust In The Lord
~Psalm 40:4
I remember reading a story one time about a little boy. Somebody had given this little boy a dollar and he was worried that he would lose it, so he went to his dad and said, "Dad, would you hold onto this for me?" And so his dad tucked that dollar safely into his pocket. A little while later, the little boy came back. He'd had second thoughts, and said, "I think maybe I'd like to hang onto my own dollar." So his dad gave it back to him. Not long after that, the boy came back again, tears in his eyes, and said, "I've lost my dollar! Will you help me find it!"
Very often we do the same thing. We say we trust God enough to commit all of our concerns and our worries and our burdens to Him, only to have second thoughts and take those matters back into our own hands. Inevitably, we mess it all up, and go back to the Lord with regrets and pray, "Lord, help me! I've made a mess of things!"
The choice is always yours. Do you want to place your life in God's "pocket" or do you trust your own judgement more?
But the promise of this verse is very true. You will never regret putting what is precious in our lives into God's hands. He will never let us down. "Blessed is the man who makes the LORD his trust."
~Pastor Todd Creason
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