Why Do You Pray?

 "Teacher . . . we want you to do for us whatever we ask."  

~Mark 10:35

How often do you pray?

With some Christians, they pray every day--some even pray throughout the day.  They follow more of a model of "praying continuously" asking for strength, and wisdom, and peace, and patience as needed throughout the day.  And giving thanks throughout the day, every day, when things go well.  

With other Christians, they pray when things go wrong.  They see prayer more as a thing you do in a crisis.  Or they may pray when they really want something.

These two different approaches to prayer can tell us where God is in our life.  When we live with God in the center of our life, we're more likely to communicate with God frequently, even continuously, because we feel that God is near to us.  God is part of our life.  God is part of our decision-making.  God is there with us whenever we reach out to him.  And there's no concern we don't share, and there is no victory or success we don't share with Him.  

Some Christians go to God when they need something.  Or want something.  Like we might go to an ATM when we need cash.  

Which one are you?  Do you live with God in the center of your life?  Or do you go to God only when you need or want something?

It's worth thinking about, because it may tell us something very important about how we view our relationship with God.  

~Pastor Todd Creason


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