Starting The Day Off Right

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

~Romans 12:2

How many decisions do you think you make during the average day?  Think about that for a minute.  From the time you wake up in the morning, until you doze off that night, you do little else but make decisions.  Decisions about what you're going to wear.  What you're going to have for breakfast.  What you're going to do about a certain problem you've been having.  What you're going to try and get done, and what you're going to leave for tomorrow.  You'll interact with a number of people both on the phone, text, email, social media, etc.  There may be conflicts.  There may be difficult issues to address.  There may be choices you have to make.  All day long we're making decisions.  Some important.  Some not so important.  But we make hundreds of decisions each and every day. 

The best thing we can do for ourselves is to start our days off on solid ground. Take a little time first thing in the morning, as part of your morning routine, to spend a little time in the scriptures.  Read from the Bible, or find a good devotional you enjoy, and start with it each day.  You may be surprised what a huge impacts spending ten or fifteen minutes in the morning like that will have on you. Those ideas from that devotional will come back to you throughout the day.  That passage you read this morning will suddenly help you during a tough moment. If we don't spend time in the word, it's very easy for us to fall into the pattern of the world around us.  It's easy to make decisions based on what's expedient and easiest rather than what is right.  When we put God in the center of our lives, and start with God each day, and keep God in our minds throughout the day, it's amazing what a difference that can make.  

I do this every morning, and after I've spent some time reading, I usually take a walk and reflect on what I've read.  It makes a huge difference in my day when I begin this way.  When I miss doing that because I've gotten up late, or I get started earlier than usual due to an issue that has come up, I notice the difference. 

Maybe you're not a strong Bible reader.  I've got an idea for you--something I've been doing.  Over the last couple weeks I've been reading a chapter of Proverbs every morning.  It's convenient  as there's thirty-one chapters and thirty-one days in a month approximately. The chapters are very short--you can read a chapter in a few minutes.  And there's so much good and useful teaching in there that is applicable every day. It's very easy to read, and very easy to understand. So much in there has to do with every day life and every day situations. It's surprising how many times a day I'll remember something I read in Proverbs that morning.

So tomorrow morning, why not spend a few quiet moments over your morning coffee reflecting on God's promises. Start your day by renewing and refreshing your mind in God's word, and keep it close to you throughout the entire day, and throughout every decision, and every choice, and every conflict, and every conversation. It will surprise you just how quickly you'll see what a huge difference such a small change to your routine can make.


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