Don't Sell Yourself Short

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose."

~Romans 8:28

I was hanging a picture in my study the other day, and I went to my toolbox.  There's all kinds of tools in my toolbox--there's a hammer, and screwdrivers, and sockets, and pliers, and saws, a tape measure, a level, and many, many more.  Different tools for different tasks.  

I don't need a screwdriver to hang a picture.  Or a saw.  Or a pair of pliers.  I need a hammer, and a nail.  Those are the tools made specifically to do the kind of work I was doing.

And just like those tools in my toolbox, God makes each one of us different, too.  He makes each one of us for a specific purpose.  We have different abilities, talents, and gifts to serve different uses.  You wouldn't ask a musician for advice on your 401K, nor would you hire a plumber to cut down a tree in your yard.

We even have different personalities and different character traits.  And sometimes we see certain personality traits or character traits as weaknesses, when actually they're strengths.  And sometimes people will treat us like there's something wrong with us, because we see things different, or we think differently, or we have different opinions about things.  Just because you're different doesn't mean you're broken.  It doesn't mean there's something wrong with you.  It may just mean that you were built for a different purpose, and when the time comes, God will show you why He built you the way He did.  

When we seek to discover what God's purpose is in our lives, what mission we've been built to accomplish, all those elements in our life will click together, and we'll suddenly understand what God put into us, and why. 

So don't sell yourself short, or let others define you.  If you're different, there's a purpose for it most assuredly.  Ask God to guide you to that greater purpose.  

~Pastor Todd Creason


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