And Here We Go With The Resolutions . . .

Without fail, every year at this time, social media is just flooded with promises for the new year.  People are going to lose weight.  They're going to organize their lives.  They're going to focus on the "important things in life."  They're going to eat better and exercise more.  They're going to finally get a handle on a life that's gotten out of control.  They're going to waste less time.  They're going to use the time they have wisely . . . 

And on and on and on it goes.  Every year.  Without fail.  And a few may actually make some changes that are beneficial.  But for most of us, by the time St. Valentine's Day rolls around we're right back in the same rut we were in on December 31st.  

But I have an idea for a resolution this year that will change your life.  And it's easy to do.

Almost everyone has a few quiet moments each day.  Maybe it's over coffee in the morning.  Maybe we sit at our desk over lunch.  Or we relax for awhile in the evenings.  I had somebody tell me they had no quiet time like this, but I suggested they check their phone usage, and sure enough, they figured out they had about two hours a day they were wasting at about the same time each day.

I'm only asking for 15 minutes.  Instead of scrolling through Instagram and Tik Tok and FaceBook.  Read your Bible instead.  15 minutes.  Or find a devotional book you enjoy and spend 15 minutes with God.  And make it a point to do that every single day.  

And see what happens . . . I already know what's going to happen.  Would you like me to tell you?

You're going to begin to enjoy that quiet time with the Lord.  You're going to start looking forward to the quiet time.  You're going to begin thinking about those devotionals you're reading or those scriptures you're reading during other times of the day.  Little pieces of the Word are going to come to you as you're going through your daily routine.  And that fifteen minutes will become the most valuable fifteen minutes of your day.  In fact, for most people, it will not stay fifteen minutes.  It'll become a half an hour.  It's usually an hour for me first thing in the morning.

We all recognize this time of year a need for change in ourselves.  So much of that is external.  If you want to make a real difference in your life in 2024, start with what's on the inside.  Just like with that crash diet that's going to help you get healthier, what you put into your heart and in your mind each day is just as important.  And with that daily scriptural exercise, you get a coach to help you along.  A wise counselor if you will--a life coach that will guide you and instruct you and lead you to a very different life than the one you may be living right now.  

Wouldn't it be interesting to see where a small daily habit like that might take you?

Happy New Year! 

~Todd E. Creason


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